It came and passed in a hurry . Less charming then I used to remember .Actually It's been too long since I remember it charming. It's just not holly anymore....and i say that despite the fact that since you are not in my life nothing seems to feel holly.In the rush of the preparatios i almost forgot you're not singing me carols this year. I almost put you a present under the tree, it almost smelled like christmas...
I will become friends with chirsmas again someday , who knows maybe one year will snow again .....or maybe one year i will find you under my tree....
P.S : And baby remeber: what goes around defenitly comes around....and usually it comes to bite you in the ass !
- byanca
- Sunt şi eu ca toţi ceilalţi oameni: văd lumea aşa cum vreau eu să fie, nu aşa cum este.
joi, 29 decembrie 2011
marți, 4 octombrie 2011
my oh my
-What are we been doing for all this time ?
-Dreamin' that we don't want to wake up...
-And how's that working out for us?
-Just because has wings doesen't mean it's flying.
-I don't get it !
-And you never did....
-Why is it has to be so good when it's so bad ?
-Oh honey they designed iti that way !
miercuri, 21 septembrie 2011

Pot sa accelerez pentru ca m-ai invatzat sa conduc dar poti oare sa stai pe scaunul din spate?
Sti oare ca oricand pot sa imi gasesc drumul inapoi pe strada ta si ca indicatoarele le voi ocoli mereu?
Acum ma aflu pe autostrada dar pot sa conduc linistita doar pentru ca am pornit de pe strada ta ...
luni, 12 septembrie 2011
This whole redecorating my place got me thinking abaut how nice it would be to be able to remodel life as easily . If i could just repaint my thought's and no one to be able to guess what's under that bright color or to dispose of my feeling and just buy new and untainted ones . But the again i'm not sure i wouldn't paint them in the same color as did to my walls or insted of buing new furniture I just adjust my old one because , what a surprise , i'm very fond of it.
You see that's the thing about doesen't come easy but at least it gives clean start.
You see that's the thing about doesen't come easy but at least it gives clean start.
duminică, 11 septembrie 2011
miercuri, 24 august 2011
Memories . At this point iti doesen't hurt so much.
Mess. It's starting to clean up.
Now all I have to do is to evoid staying sober and i'm done with u . Fine by me !
joi, 18 august 2011
-I miss you officially!
-Oh is that right ?
-Do you cry ?
-Well not exactly , but I sure listen to a hell of a lot of love songs!
sâmbătă, 4 iunie 2011
Te-am visat...iar...cum se intampla cand imi propun sa nu ma mai gandesc la tine...poate si pentru ca nu reusesc niciodata cu adevarat sa te sterg din mintea mea nici macar pret de o zi .....dar lucrez la asta ...
Intre timp imi esti aproape in multe vise pastelate . Nu vreau sa caut fapt chiar nu vreau sa insemne nimic altceva decat ca imi esti aproape...
miercuri, 1 iunie 2011
You again
"Shit happens.Usually to me so u don't have to worry"
I knew i had iti coming.....I could just smell it.......I just didn't know when and where.Well mystery solved.Now it's official : I'm only atracted to selfish , mind blowing men that become inaccesible to me the second I touch them . I aparently have the Midas touch on men , except i don't turn them into gold insted I break them . I mean it has to be me if we are talking majority here. Somewere inside me there has to be a flaw but I can quite seem to figure what it is.My first guess would be that this flaw it's called bad luck but I've read some pshicologist who would argue the difference .
Anyways it's late and all of this thinking is not helping mostly because now I am busy feelig. Feeling that you have desappointed me so badly that I can't even cry. Feeling that I feel too much for you. Feeling that you are so not the guy that songs are written about or nevels are inspired by...but still here I am quoting clasics, dedicating song and all those other bullshit that come along with a broken heart.Just so you know if a novel comes out of this i'm not dedicating iti to you :-).
So what is it behind all this stupid acting of yours? What part of me screamed out loud "I want drama"?
I'm tired mostly of thinking where did it went wrong and how can you possibly be thinking that what you are doing now can be good for you . But never the less what's done is done put on the seatbealt beacause this ride you booked it's gonna shake your world !
P.S: we were so breakable a snow man and a ice sculpture had a better chance at happily ever after.
P.S: and for missing you.....and for not hating you ....
luni, 21 martie 2011
Mi-esti greu uneori...
Ce-ai gasit in mintea mea
Ce-a fost vacant in lumea mea
Ce te-a frapat de nu mai pleci
Cat o sa mai poti sa alergi?
Ne jucam de-a iubirea... ne iubim in joaca ....jucam pe indragostiti.....iar viata ne joaca pe noi...
Fugim de toata lumea...lumea nu stie de ca fugim .... am fugii in lume....dar lumea nu uita de noi...
Vorbim in soapta... soptim o iubire.... iubirea nu aude.... si iar suna a gol...
Ne leaga o viata.... o viata ne totusi legaturile vietii uneori sunt ... doar coincidente !
duminică, 30 ianuarie 2011
miercuri, 19 ianuarie 2011
Iar mi-e dor de tine incep sa urasc asta ma pricep la dor mai rau nu ma pricep la tine ...aiurea cand la tine ar trebui sa ma pricep cel mai bine ...
Urasc timpul, urasc sa nu vorbesc cu tine , urasc cand nu te visez , urasc ca nu iti gasesc nici un defect , urasc ca te cunosc atat de bine si totusi acum te-am intalnit prima data ,urasc ca esti atat de sigur pe tine, urasc ca eu nu sunt , ma urasc pe mine fara tine, urasc ca esti cel mai greu si cel mai usor lucru pe l-am facut vreodata, urasc ca spun cele mai nepotrivite lucruri in preajma ta , urasc linistea pe care mi-o aduci , urasc ca nu te superi dar mai ales urasc magia cu care faci ca atunci cand te vad ca toate astea sa dispara si eu devin brusc cea mai frumoasa versiune a mea .
marți, 4 ianuarie 2011
A fost altfel terminat anul cu foarte putine ganduri cu putine mesaje cu putine telefoane multi prieteni in jur putine griji multa veselie mai multa seninatate decat imi sta in obicei ... Eu am fost propiria mea surpriza placuta pentru ca nu m-am mai pierdut in ganduri , nu mi-a stat inima in loc nici o secunda , de fapt am fost atat de distrata incat nu sunt sigura ca imi amintesc bine dorintele pe care mi le-am pus la intrarea in noul an.... :-) Pentru prima data imi doresc sa fie adevarat ca prima zi din an e o oglinda a anului ce urmeaza ....
Iata cateva ganduri de inceput :
Iata cateva ganduri de inceput :
Eu probabil si anul acesta voi continua ....
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